
The Missouri S&T SWE section does a variety of events from socials, fundraisers, meetings, and outreach. Our members are passionate about inspiring future generations to pursue STEM degrees. Our most notable events include our annual SWE Lock-In, the annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (IGED), STEAM Days at Rolla Middle School, and Kummer Center STEM Days. Come out to one of our general meetings to learn more and to get involved. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • SWE Lock-In
  • IGED: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day hosted by SWE-KC is an event during February that brings hundreds of high school girls interested in STEM fields together to learn more about opportunities in STEM, as well as specific colleges they can attend to further their opportunities in STEM! Our SWE Chapter attends the college fair during this event, as well as a college panel! 
  • May the Fourth be With You: On May 4, students are brought to celebrate STEM at Missouri S&T, but with a special Star Wars Space theme! SWE helps run STEM sessions with visiting students to expand their understanding of STEM. 
  • STEAM Days: The past year, our chapter began a STEAM Activity program for the 5th grade at Rolla Middle School. The activities introduce students to concepts of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). A wide range of activities were completed, from 3D holographic projectors to wind powered cars. Every 5th grader got to build, decorate, and keep their own activity. In addition to Rolla Middle School, SWE also does activities like fruit electricity circuits at Newburg Elementary School.
  • Kummer Center STEM Days: These events include National STEM Day (Nov. 8th), National Engineers Week (February), and May the Fourth be With You Day. During these events, hundreds of students ages K-8 come to campus and participate in STEM related events such as balloon-powered vehicles. SWE members help the Kummer Center develop and execute engaging programming to excite students about STEM and learning at S&T. 
  • Girl Scouts: SWE loves working with the Girl Scouts! This past May, our chapter developed an exciting tour for the visiting girls. It included touring the Emerson Green Roof, 3 academic department visits, and painting with E. Coli.


You can join us or find our events on Miner Link at